Hare Krsna ....
dandavat e pranamas , por favor usem o tradutor , este texto e muito rico em informações sobre a real condição espiritual dos lideres que estão a cuidar da missão de Srila Prabhupada,
Existe muitas verdades que ainda estão por vir , mas o Deus esta do nosso lado ou então nada estaria acontecendo desta forma que esta vindo , a sensação é que toda sujeira esta vindo de uma vez , existe na internet , muitos sites de debates e discuções , o fato deles fecharem mesmo o templo para os devotos de outras sampradayas não foi aceito nem mesmos pela congregação internacional da Iskcon .
9.Sept. 1997
Lieber Pfarrer Gandow,
vielleicht können Sie sich an uns erinnern. Wir sind Aussteiger aus der Hare Krischna Sekte - Iskcon, haben unsere Erfahrungen und leben jetzt in Slowenien. Vor ca. einem Monat haben wir eine Gruppe organisiert, in der Aussteiger aus der Hare Krischna Sekte sich gegenseitig helfen. Wahrscheinlich haben Sie gestern unseren Brief "Help, Support, and Advice Requested" bekommen. Ich hoffe sie können Englisch oder jemand konnte Ihnen übersetzten. Wir haben die slowenischen Medien, Fernsehen und Zeitungen informiert und bekommen ein unglaublich gutes Feedback. Die gesamte Presse unterstützt uns. Wir haben hier grosse Chancen, in der Hare Krischna Sekte aufzuräumen, und aus diesem Institutionskult eine ernstzunehmende Religion zu machen, indem die Verantwortlichen (überwiegend Gurus und GBCs) von ihren ehemaligen Schülern (unsere Gruppe) zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Wir berichten ausschliesslich über nachweisbare Tatsachen, Vergewaltigungen, Morddrohungen, Selbstmorde nach Psychoterror, homosexuelle Misshandlungen, Finanzbetrug (international), Manipulation, Desinformation der Mitglieder, etc... Wir sind sehr aktiv und "durchschlagend", aber leider klein und auf Hilfe von anderen wie Ihnen angewiesen. Wir wollen hier nicht die Kultur des Vaishnaismus im Westen zerstören, indem wir Iskcon schaden oder sogar ganz aus Slowenien und Kroatien schieben (was sehr wahrscheinlich scheint im Moment). Es gibt genug kleinere seriösere Gruppen, die den Vaishnaismus oder Krischnaismus realistischer und seriöser präsentieren können. Aber Iskcon wie es zur Zeit existiert ist eine unterschätzte, gefährliche Institution, in der viele kommen und gehen und sehr, sehr viel Geld gewaschen wird.
WIR BRAUCHEN IHRE HILFE: Fakten über Iskcon's kriminelle Vergangenheit, sprich Berichte von Polizei, Gerichte etc., über Vergewaltigungen, Morde (auch unaufgeklärt), Schlägereien, Psychterror, Drogenmissbrauch und anderes. Alles muss nachweisbar sein, damit wir es der Öffentlichkeit als Fakten präsentieren können.
KÖNNEN SIE UNS HELFEN??? Oder kennen Sie jemanden, der sich damit auseinandersetzt? Wir wären Ihnen sehr dankbar!!! Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören! Habe bemerkt dass Sie "per Du" kommunizieren. Wäre mir auch lieber.
Ich habe vergessen zu sagen, dass ich auch aus Berlin-Wedding komme, und über drei Jahre bei Iskcon in der Muskauer Str. 27 bei H.G. gewohnt habe. Wollen Sie Gruselmärchen von dort?
Bis auf bald!
Anita Loncar von Cvetkovitch
Dear Ladies, Gentlemen, Maharajas, Prabhus, and Didis,
please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!All glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga!
First of all: I am Sadbhuj Gour das, Zlatko Loncar, from the Sri Gopinatha Gaudya Math. I want to offer my humble obeisances to all Iskcon devotees and Prabhupadanugas. I want to strongly stress that I do respect the Iskcon devotees, and that I feel very sorry if Iskcon is presented in a negative way. When I speak hear about Iskcon, than I mean the leadership from the Iskcon-Ljubljana, Slovenia temple, and GBCs like Rohini Suta das, Harikesha Swami, and other cold hearted GBCs which so roughly turned against the victims of the Iscon-Lj. temple. I have to emphasize that here is no war going on like Gaudya Math against Iskcon, but my conscience against crime! My spiritual master Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Maharaja was a very close friend of Srila Prabhupada, and I know he has got a loving relationship to the Iskcon devotees, that he respects them all. Although he was critisized by the Iskcon devotees, he never spoke a bad word about them. The bosnian Iskcon temple president called my Guru Maharaja and other Gaudya Vaishnavas in public sahajas! Whatever happened, my spiritual master never spoke bad about him, although the co-GBC Rohini Suta das called him to be envious on Srila Pabhupada, as well as all other godbrothers of Srila Prabhupada. I want to stress that my loyality is not directed to Gaudya Math or Iskcon, but to the teachings of siddhanta!!! In case I have to die because of this story (I already was threatened with murder), if I become a part of Iskcon's history, as a mistake from which they have learned, than the Iskcon devotees shall know that I am not an enemy, no sectarian Gaudya Math follower, no demon which wants to eat up the Iskcon devotees, all whatever else they now tell about me. I am a friend of the Vaishnavas, anyway if they belong to Iskcon, Gaudya Math, or any other of the three sampradayas. So far my introduction. In the beginning of August the victim of the Iskcon Ljubljana temple, Patita Pavana das, disciple of Rohini Suta das, turned to me. He asked me for help, telling me he wants to inform public medias, because he had been sexually abused while living in the Iskcon- Ljubljana temple. He wanted justice, and clear up everthing with the authorities of the temple and his guru. But everybody just laughed about him, and he wants to warn the public, for that nobody will have the same expiriences as he had. His sister is also living in the same temple, her name is Navanitika devi dasi, disciple of Bhakti Vaibhava Swami. After all this happened, the temple devotees influenced her that far, that she claimed her whole family to be demons, especially her brother, which only critisizes the devotees. PPD actually brought his sister to Krishna consciousness, he and the whole family really love her very much, but she turned against them all. I told PPD I would help him, but first of all we should try to manage the thing inside, by contacting the GBCs, trying to avoid this story to get to the public medias. In this way the GBCs would maybe care, especially his guru Rohini Suta das, and they would undertake the right thing, that there will be justice done. Although I am a Gaudya Math devotee I don't want that the whole Iskcon will be put into a bad light. I don't want to do the same with Iskcon, as they did with us. We wrote several letters to Rohini Suta das, GBCs like Harikesha Swami, Jayapataka Swami, Mukunda Goswami, Bhakti Vaihbava Swami. We sent altogether about 30 or 40 letter, discribing what had happened to PPD, and if no justice will be done to PPD, he would go to the public medias, and I would go with him. All we received was DOES NOT WANT ANY MESSAGE FROM YOU. We wrote them, we would inform the medias if they don't undertake anything, and again the same answer from their side: DOES NOT WANT ANY MESSAGE FROM YOU. But I got letters from Haridhama das, Iskcon Communication, a disciple of Mukunda Goswami, where he tried to convince us, not to inform the medias, he would try to inform Harikesha Swami and Mukunda Goswami. But nothing had happened. We waited a while, but nothing. In his second letter Haridhama das told us we would hurt ourselves, by informing the medias, it was a thing to be managed inside the family, etc. But nothing happened. Instead a disciple of Satsvarupa das Goswami called in Rohini Suta das' name, Rati das. We recorded the talk, he threatened us with a backfire, if we would do anything, that we guys have nothing to do with all this, we should better take care of the stuff which happens in the Gaudya Math. His best part was that he told us "I should care for the whole story like sexual abuse of PPD, a raped 17 years old girl, my wife's rape in Germany AS I CARE FOR THE WAR IN BOSNIA, AND THE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA. I spoke with a disciple of Sridhara Swami, Bhakta Bobo, he told me that we will never understand the lilas of the pure devotees, as well as the lilas of Nityananda Prabhu, after I told him that Rohini Suta das laughed about his sexually abused disciple, and this one's wife which got the instruction to abort from Rohini Suta das. Some devotees wanted to tell me that I was spiritually suiciding, because I cared for the victims and fight for their rights. Some of my friends fear that I will be killed because of my courage against crimes. They read on internet about different murders which happened in Iskcon. And I have admit that I am rally afraid, that something could happen to me. The biggest fear I have from the GBC Harikesha Swami, because his disciples are so cold-blodded. Not all of them of course, but those I have to deal with right now, the temple authorities from Ljubljana, and other authorities which attack me here. I am also afraid of Harikesha Swami, because he does not undertake anything against his disciples which commited crimes. In the Iskcon Ljubljana temple they are all still very welcome, like his disciple Tara das, which violently beat down and raped a 17 years old congregational member. And also the homosexual temple treasurer Bhavanatha das, which abused not only Patita Pavana das. The people which threatened me with murder are also still allowed to visit the temple, etc. We turned to the Iskcon Ljubljana temple, to devotees like head preacher Uddharta das, and temple president Aksaya das, both disciples of Harikesha Swami, and told them, if they won't excuse to PPD, and undertake something against the wrongdoer, we would inform the public medias. They told us, they had reported the rape of the under age girl to the police. Later we heard it was told to a traffic policeman, which was not at all encharged with such cases. The temple devotees told me I should rather care for the waste of the Gaudya Math. They threatened me and Patita Pavana das they would wash our "dirty laundry" in public. They would go on court with our case, they had anyway enough money, indirectly they said they had a big institution standing by them (Iskcon). They said they had power, and would not fear anyone and anything, the less they fear the public. I pushed them to arrange a meeting with me and Rohini Suta das. We made that meeting, there was also another german devotee, Nikhilananda das, Srila Prabhupada's disciple, which leads an investigation commission in this case. In the very beginning of the meeting Nikhilananda das dragged me down in an authoritative way, telling me I wasn't here to give a lecture, but that I was there to answer their questions, nothing else. He said they wouldn't to listen to my Gaudya balderdash, I had to follow the Iskcon rules- e were in Iskcon here. He further said, I had nothing to with the whole thing, that this was an internal thing of Iskcon, and Gaudya Math should keep out of this. I answered it was not about Gaudya Math or Iskcon- but crime. The victim had asked me to help them, that's what everything was about. I asked him if the rape of my wife also was a thing of the Gaudya Math, she was raped in the Iskcon, Heidelberg temple, by the temple commander Svapalka das. I told Rohini Suta das that this guy had tempted and raped a lot of girls. Who guarantees that this guy did not have AIDS, and that my little son and I would not get AIDS in the next years?! I ask Rohini Suta if it still was a thing of Gaudya Math. He covered his face with his hands and said "Boys, that will become very expensive-one million, two million marks indemnity..." In my anger I said "It will become very expensive!" Nikhilananda das wanted me to tell an exact amount which I wanted. He also spoke about such big sums. I said it was not about the amount but about the principle. That they should take responsibility for their victims, not just kick them out. And if they already commited that mistake they should also pay an indemnity, that would be humanity. Nikhilananda das pushed again and again how many marks I wanted to get. I was confused, I did not come there to ask for money, I only wanted to help the victim. He did not let loose so I said I wanted 200,000 d-marks, to get rid of his pushing questions. Nikhilananda das also wanted to know how and when what had happened.
*A 17 years old girl from the congrgation of the Iskcon Ljubljana temple was violently beaten down and raped by an initiated sankirtan devotee, disciple of HKS, Tara das. Someone reported this anonymosly to a traffic policemen, which actually is not incharged with this but the criminal investigation department. The perpetrator is still allowed to visit the temple (for Gaudya Vaishnavas it is strictly prohibited to visit this temple...).
*My wife Arundhati devi dasi, former Bhaktin Anita, was 20 years old, when she was violently raped by the temple commander of the Iskcon-Heidelberg temple. She was before and after this annoyed in a very disgusting way by the same person. She was told to not speak about this, because she would distroy Srila Prabhupada mission, the "karmis" could not understand this, Krishna-Consciousness would be than in danger and other nonsense.
*Patita Pavana das, disciple of Rohini Suta das, former sankirtan book seller, was for long time molested by the homosexual temple treasurer Bhavanatha das, disciple of Harikesha Swami. The worst than was that PPD was surprised while sleeping in the brahmacari-asrama of the Iskcon Ljubljana temple. Bhavanatha das grasped the nack of PPD with one hand, pushed in a sexually very excitedway his tongue into PPD's mouth, with the other hand he started workingon PPD's genital. For PPD time stopped in this moment. He expiered a shock he will never forget in his life. Suddenly someone entered the asrama, the gay jumped up and ran away. PPD complained about this to the temple authorities, but they protected their temple-treasurer, and put pressure on PPD. Thereafter PPD complained to his spiritual master, the co-GBC Rohini Suta das, which laughed about him, and also protected this temple-treasurer. He was told to be guilty for this, that his desires from a previous life had like this been fulfilled. PPD's wife Hiranyangi Devi dasi, also disciple of Rohini Suta das, told her guru she was raped by a non-devotee, RSD told her to abort and not speak about it. She only wanted to test RSD after seeing how he treated her husband PPD. Uddharta das, the press-speaker of Iskcon Slovenia confirmed this event to the press media.
*The latest victim which showed up, but asked us to not mention his name also was homosexually molested and annoyed by Bhavanatha das. He was kicked out of the temple because he critisized the temple authorities and the gay.
Nikhilananda das from the investigation commission said that the devotees won't allow to be intimidated by me. He said we are alone, what means they have a big institution, standing by them, and a lot of money. He said "Think positive and forget everything!" In the same commission was also Rati das (but he left it a day later), who told us to care for these events like we do for the war in Bosnia and the starving children in Africa. The third and last member of that commision is Uddharta das, which actually terrorised PPD and told that it were is desires from previous lifes. Rohini Suta das told me he had a bad memory, and could not remember what had happened. We saw there was a big fraud going on and startred infoming the public, because we could not stand that terror anymore. The most popular weekly news-magazine of Slovenia, "Mladina" published the above told events. All news medias in our small country with only two million inhabitants, were emmidiately interested, and started reporting about this things. For showing you how I spoke to the journalists, I will now copy notes from my diary.
*State TV station "TV Slovenia", journalist Sonja Trost. Talk by phone and later the same topics in front of camera. Broadcasted on the 9. September 1997 all over Slovenia while the dayly news.
I spoke two and a half hour with the journalist from the state TV station of Slovenia by phone. She is the first journalist which also is very much interested in Vaishnaism! After our talk she said instead of good bye Hare Krishna! She stressed that she really wants to emphasize the Vaishnava philosophy, and on the other hand she wants to show, that the Vaishnavas themselves condemn crime in their own line. She also stressed she doesn't want to paint black the institution Iskcon, but only crime and sectarian acts of leaders who are responsible. She very much liked the philosophy that people can think and act freely, and that yoga actualy condemns blind believe and follow. I stressed the point that freedeom is a divine principle, and for us Vaishnavas the individual life and individuality are more important than an institution. Institution should help us to realize we are a spirit soul, that we will become more happy, more sucsessful, more creative, that with an institution we can develope divine qualities. It is an inner path of consciousness, not a question of money or institution. Institution becomes useful if we use it in the proper way, if not it's worthless. Another very important point was that an institution should help the people to take responsibility in their life, and not to give up their responsibility for that institution and become one with it. Vaishnaism is a path of intelligence, clear thinking, love to god and all living entities, where the heart and clear understanding can work in harmony for attaining selfrealisation. The biggest mystik is to reach inner peace and love to god and the people around. I made again and again clear that the indivudual life of a person is more important to us, then the good reputation of the institution. The institution should serve the people to develope their consciousness, not vice versa. I told her that my motivation was to help the victim to regain his self-confidence, to show the others how to fight against corruption, that one should not allow to be intimidated, and that we Gaudya Vaishnavas do not tolerate crime in our line!!! My only worry is that some "devotees" already started telling nonsense to my Guru Maharaja in India. They claim I would distroy the Vaishnaism over here. If you know anyone who will visit the places where my Guru Maharaja is, then please give a message from your side about what is going on here. The Iskcon devotees claim that I am distroying Krishna Consciousness in his name here in the west...
September, 1, 1997
The first magazine which wrote about our topic was "Mladina", one of the most popular magazines in our country. On their front page was shown Rohini Suta das, where his disciples are washing his feet. The title was "HARE KRISHNA RAPE", the article covered seven pages. There also is an interview with Uddharta das, where he is trying to hide everything by making a lot mistakes while lying and then saying the opposit. He simply exposed himself, and the smart reporter simply got him. This article is being translated and if anyone is interested in reading it, please write to Loncar.of.Cvetkovitch@comtron.si
September, 2, 1997
In the forenoon already came the first official reaction from the Iskcon temple, from Uddharta das. He was very disturbed about that article. He threatened that Iskcon would get me to court. And also indirectly he told me how strong they were, a big and powerful institution, and they were superior to me. I would have to pay all cost for court in the end. I answered: "I know your power is money, to make others fear you, and terror. You can pull me to court or kill me - as long as I still can breath I will scream for justice! But I will go to the public medias, and beg for the money I need and stand in front of the court and defend myself and the victims." I said to him that I would explain to the public that I am standing alone with the victims, I would turn to all advocats and beg them for help, I will organize protest assembling... in this moment UD hang down the phone... I just hang down my phone and it rang again. It was a journalist from the biggest and most popular TV station in this country. She greeted me with the words: " You are the most wanted man right now." I told her that not only the medias are looking for me but also that sect, which a minute before threatened me with its power and court process which they are planning, just because I am not afraid to tell the truth. Further I said it was a big problem for me, because this institution ows a lot of money, where against I am a poor mouse. I offered her to listen to the just a minute before taped talk with UD and she was very interested, so we made an appointment for the next day at 10.00 am.
September, 3, 1997
Today came the journalist from POP-TV. I told her I was a naive type of man, believing that sometimes truth could win over money and power. We made an interview about all the topics. She asked me what I personally did not like in Iskcon, and I explained I cannot accept that devotees are not allowed to think and act freely, actually KC means opposite, to develope such abilities. I told her that ideal things should be preached in a temple, and that people should practise it voluntarily, without being controlled or maipulated. Freedom is a divine principle. I also explained Yoga is a process of changing the counscioussness, an inner path, it's not a question of money or institution. That KC must develope in interpersonal relationships. After she asked me what I want to do further about this rapes, I said, although it might sound fanatical I would as long scream for justice as I could breath. She was very convinces of us, and we developed a real good relationship. After she left us, she went to see PPD's parents for an interview, and then she wanted to visit Uddharta das. He was not at all happy about this visit. In a later phonecall in the evening he threatened me they would "wash the dirty laundry" of Patita and mine in the public. I answered: "You can put me into jail or even kill me, I will sacrifice myself for the others." He was disturbed and said I would sacrifice other devotees, not only myself. My answer was "You can't wash my laundry for long, because there is much." After he calmed down, I explained him my motivations, and I saw that his morality was little by little leaving him, he did not really believe anymore what he was fighting for. The TV journalist said she liked my revolutionary courage in that fight for justice against the big institution. Haribalabha dasi (Iskcon-Berlin) was instructed to take care of my wifes rape.
In the later week the devotees made a protest walk with transparents, where was written "YOU KILLED LADY DI, KNOW YOU TRY TO KILL US!?" "LET US LIVE!" "SERVANTS OF GOD DON'T COMMIT CRIME". With this they attacked the public medias, comparing them with the paparazzis. The journalists called us and told what CRAZY things (the protest walk) the Hare Krishnas are doing. And our magazine already makes a report for the next issue about this. The actual issue with our story is officially sold out!!! Because they wanted to have a meeting with us in the temple, with Rohini Suta das, the rapist and the victims, I came without informing them in advance, to that temple. I talk with Uddharta das and honestly told him "If you excuse in a proper way and correct everything, and also pay an indemnity to the victims, where YOU decide HOW MUCH, because it's for the principle not about indictment, than we will all forgive the whole thing!" UD asked what would be about the press and the internet. I answered if they would be honest, then we also would not speak about this story in the public media, nor in the internet anymore. I also stressed that they won't buy us with this in the sense of hush-money. And if in six month somebody would come and tell he was abused in Iskcon or Gaudya Math, then we will help him again. They also wanted to get a warranty for we won't warm up this story again, so I said we could make a kind of contract which they can use on court, in event I would warm it up. I also spoke with Bhavanatha das (the gay rapist), and told him if he feels some pressure because he is found everywhere in the medias, that I am sorry, that I personally don't feel any hate towards him. I told him I am fighting for the principle and for justice, and the institution should respect the individual life. The institution demanded that we should surrender 100%, but if something happens to someone, they simply eliminate that person and do not overtake any responsibility. But the institution should also overtake the responsibility for every individual, and not only hide facts. I just left the temple and wanted to go home (I was happy, that's looks don't kill...). My wife and me wanted to go to our car, when suddenly Sridhara Swami got out of one car, and made a few basic slogans about Srila Prabhupada and the institution. He made clear to us that everything should be cleared up inside the family. Suddenly a lot of cars came by, parked anywhere and we saw that they where from all bigger TVstations, and News papers. It looked like a bad Hollywood movie: journalists jump out of their cars, and ran as fast as they could inside the temple, trying to be the first. I though, "Krishna, let's run off, this seems to be hell!!!" We already recognized a few journalists, which visited us at home. And this Sonja from the state TV saw us and came up, without camera. Arundhati spoke with Sridhara Swami about that we were threatened with murder, that the congregation is desinformed, that everybody looks at us like we were demons, that we had asked the GBC to help us, and that the only help was: "does not want any message from you", by that robot. Sonja heard everything, and she knows well english. I did not know she was a journalist, but my wife suspected so, and spoke out very hot stuff. After this Maharaja left, Sonja presented herself as the journalist from the state TV, and made in front of the temple an interview with me. She asked for my motivation, what I would like to tell to the slovenian public, and I answered that my first motivation was to help Patita Pavana to regain his self confidence, which he lost after he became a victim of an institution. My other motivation is to encourage the people to fight against corruption and crime, that they should not allow themselves to be intimidated by big institutions and money. My third motivation was to show that we Gaudya Vaishnavas do not allow crime in our lines, and that for us the individual live of a person is more important than the institution. And the last motivation is I want justice! I repeated all what I spoke on the phone like freedom, individuality, blindly follow, and other things. The journalist after the interview told me that she already visited India, places like Hrishikesh,Sri Lanka, Vrindavan, Calcutta and others. She visited a lot of temples there, and she is so enthusiastic about what I say, that she wants to do a big TV show on spirituality and Vaishnaism here in Slovenia.
Saturday, Sep. 6, afternoon:
We were supposed to meet with Rohini Suta das, the main devotees, Bhavanatha das (the gay), and try to make an agreement, and like this finish the whole thing. We went that far that we offered RSD to pay indemnity where he should decide how much. And not only that, I ensured them, we would make a written contract, signed in presence of an advocate, where we promise to not warm up this story anymore. Also I offered a document from my side which Iskcon could use for the medias, where the victims request not to ask about this topic anymore. Although I am coming from a "kshatriya-family" and fighting is in my blood, I felt compassion with the innocent congregation of that temple, being disinformed... I also had compassion with Bahavanatha das the gay, I told him that there was no hate from my side towards him. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED IN THAT AFTERNOON??? The scorpioncan't help, he must sting itself... They lied to us to the last moment. Shortly before we were to meet, Uddharta das confessed, there would not be any excuses nor indemnity, simply a talk. And he also said that RSD sees us as cheaters and was not inspired to meet us. They actually wanted to trick us, trying to get Patita Pavana all alone somehow, to wash his brain. They send his sister, whom he loves more than anyone else, to friends which live near the place where PPD's home is. This sister lives actually in the temple, and thinks her brother is a rotten-minded demon, which wants to distroy Iskcon, and the same she thinks of her parents. Even though the family loves her very much. The father told me with tears in his eyes, that he tried to speak with his daughter, and she extorted him, she would only speak with him, if they would stop informing the press about all these things, and if PPD would deny everything he stated until now to the press. And of course the did not want to agree. I felt so stupid because this crazy guys from the temple tricked me, I thought at least when it is about their good, one could trust them. After they had attacked the press with this slogan "You killed Lady Di, now you try to kill us?!" they already suicided, and after we tried to safe them more or less from this suicide, through trying to make peace with them, and tell this to the medias, they (Iskcon) really killed themselves by not getting RSD to that meeting. On Monday they will do a press conference where they want to tell everything was a made up story. Daily I informed the medias about each step I would take, they exactly know what we are doing. The worst for Iskcon is that another gay-victim came out, and this both magazines had and the TV will have an interview with him. UD ensured to the medias that Patita Pavana was the only case, and even this he later denied - the journalists think that UD has not a terribly big IQ. The "new" victim was so to say hunted by the same gay! His name is Joze (something like Jozeph) and Bhavanatha das was so in love with Joze. In this days Joze was a full time devotee in the temple. In his presence Bhavanatha very often "fainted", and he told Joze that only mouth-to-mouth-breathing could help....
Right now the press conference is over. Iskcon attacked again the medias and put up lies. A few journalists called here, and said they were shocked how crazy they are. They really try to convince the medias from their lies. If the corrupt leaders now finish us off in the public, in the future they will have a much easier game to exploit the people and aspirant devotees. And they will always use our case as a "scare away example".
If you want to help us, please reply to us
Yours Sadbhuj Gour das (Zlatko Loncar)
P.S. If one day you hear that I hang up myself, and after this jumped out of a window, or maybe a lost bullet from the bosnian war hits me, or a taperecorder falls into my bath-tub, or I simply get killed by a car accident, than please forward this letter to the criminal investigation department (not to a traffic policeman, as Iskcon Ljubljana would do...).